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Showing posts from July, 2016

The Law of Attraction and what I have learned from it so far

By: Kali Alaia/ Christel Pay Seng It was 2011, I was sitting in the living room of my ex boyfriend's home when I saw the CD of the short film " The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne. Before watching " The Secret" I was a really negative person, I tend to focus on the bad issue that are happening in life, and I was also very angry with my parents for divorcing and for my life condition.  I was drawn to protests and rallies inside our school organizations and usually wrote about topics that usually make people depressed. I felt really suicidal for a long time, having no knowledge and access to the Universal Laws, I somehow thought that life was boring. Life is not simply about eating food, dressing up, going to work, getting your salary, buying a new gadget, getting sick, taking a bath, riding a cab, or traveling from time to time if you have the money-- Existence  is meant to be so much more than this and one of the best channels to put me out there is by f...

On Finding a job that fulfills your life Purpose

By: Kali Alaia ( Christel Pay Seng) At the age of 28,  I still have not given up on my dreams- the dream is simple- to find a job that will allow me to meet a lot of people, a job that will allow me to help people think more positively, a job that will allow me to relate and connect deeply- a job that I know will be giving real service to those who need it the most- a job that is both spiritual-- a job that I can be proud of. Most of the time, the common advise is, get a corporate job- do something you hate first and hope that one day you will be able to earn enough money to do what you want- that is the saddest thing to hear- but you cannot help but be logical in this dimension- in this world. But what if you have been awakened already and you know that a job- or the job that you should be doing, must be something that fulfills your soul- the job is not necessarily easy- for nothing is, but it should be something that allows you to connect and feel others. To be hones...

A Tribute to the Greatest Artist of all Time

At the age of 21 I have decided to embark fully on writing that meant dropping any corporate job and exploring as many adventures I could find-- that means years of freelance work and working with various individuals-- From age 21 to 28 I have steadily worked with a number of artists in the city of Baguio and different parts of Manila as well as Northern Luzon. "Be creative. Don't be worried about what you are doing. One has to do many things, but do everything creatively, with devotion. Then your work becomes worship. Then whatsoever you do is a prayerfulness. And whatsoever you do is an offering at the altar.-Osho   I have written about their life and works and have given most of my time in creating events and art exhibits that were relevant to the current theme of the times-- While it was true that experiences came to me like a speed of lightning and there had been a series of bliss and joy--all crumbled something part of me was still missing- soul is st...

Blogging for freebies VS. Blogging from the Soul

Bloggers have received a bad impression over the years especially in the Philippines, due to the fact that most have  focused on providing write ups that are just targeted on getting  freebies- free hotel bookings, free lotion, free food, free travels and while that is a good thing for some people-- this has created a bad reflection on potential niche writers who want to provide more substance about life experiences and has not really developed a way for writers to sustain their craft. Blogging is a form of writing that should be treated with respect,  if there is something you have written out of the context of what you have observed-  if you have written about an experience that has inspired you and changed you- should it be minimized and should it just be considered a mere fancy blog? The age of Social media opened the good and the bad, when it comes to influencing others.  A new group of social media influencers merely focus on where to go, what p...

On Encountering the Artist Aurora and experiencing Divine Music

It is really hard to find music these days that you can connect with, the lyrics of the songs from Aurora has set my mind ablaze, and just by merely listening to her I am able to connect with different visions and dimensions that are not possible with other types of current music that is being played right now. There is something about Aurora's music, deeply reflective-- the way she performs combines theater- and music that is not of this world. Aurora is a Norwegian singer who has released her  album All my Demons Greeting me as  a  Friend on March 11. 2016. I am seeing a massive change in the music industry, the way the songs are being written and they way they are being delivered is now offering changes to the consciousness of artists who write and stay true to the material. Aurora's music is deeply reflective due to the fact that the lyrics are connected with the way she perceives life as a whole. She sees life as an act of defiance within the context of a ...