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A Tribute to the Greatest Artist of all Time

At the age of 21 I have decided to embark fully on writing that meant dropping any corporate job and exploring as many adventures I could find-- that means years of freelance work and working with various individuals--

From age 21 to 28 I have steadily worked with a number of artists in the city of Baguio and different parts of Manila as well as Northern Luzon.
"Be creative. Don't be worried about what you are doing. One has to do many things, but do everything creatively, with devotion. Then your work becomes worship. Then whatsoever you do is a prayerfulness. And whatsoever you do is an offering at the altar.-Osho 

 I have written about their life and works and have given most of my time in creating events and art exhibits that were relevant to the current theme of the times--

While it was true that experiences came to me like a speed of lightning and there had been a series of bliss and joy--all crumbled something part of me was still missing- soul is still in search of a deeper and reflective awakening. 
Writing is like breathing to me--- I observe, take down details and visualize and put them on paper whenever I can- it could be poetry, a prose, a short story or just reflections, philosophical reflections and ideas and the people I have encountered. 
For a very long time, I thought I was writing about notable artists and their contributions.
 Being inside the artist community increases your ego because you are in the area or field of creativity—
You begin to have the idea that you are above others and that what you are doing is “Art", you are Different and that in attempt of trying to define how different you are-you end up losing the willingness to connect to others who are in need of it the most.
If you are secluded, then others cannot and will not comprehend you and that somehow you have to be so Mysterious--that others would often wonder how to connect with you- For a time, I thought this thought bubble is the meaning of life.

I thought dressing up like an artist, eating like an artist, walking like an artist, dancing like an artist, hanging out with artists-- would somehow ease the pain inside me.
 It never did, what happened was- most of us just end up trying to look for a higher experience- but after the percussion drums are hidden, the strumming of the guitar is finished and the people dancing are gone- the bonfire is longer in front of you- an artist will go into a deeper form of despair—
This despair would either tempt you create more-- but the longer you create--the more you find that you are lost…because you cannot create something that is not guided.
Any creation without guidance from the Divine Source will feel disconnected and will feel more of the Ego expressing itself in various forms. At times, deadly forms. 
Most of us embark on these types of journeys only to realize we have just transferred our pain-- from one channel to another. 
A lot of the artists I have met are still profoundly empty and angry than ever-
It is as if the medium in itself, the canvass is devoid of meaning--you can produce paintings that just project your subconscious fears-- your hatred, the pain inflicted by your parents.
The loneliness that you feel--but is never about redemption.

The canvass remains empty- devoid of reflection--and most of the time the art exhibits is mostly to bring out the emptiness-- a mirror reflection of the ego—Nothing brings out satisfaction, a lot of film makers and writers feel this way after years of long work—this is because only in seeking the guidance of the Divine, the Higher purpose of our life that we get to truly feel who we are.
Creation is a process that must undergo awareness. What you create-- brings out a ripple effect. 
"Anything can be creative – you bring that quality to the activity. Activity itself is neither creative nor uncreative. You can paint in an uncreative way. You can sing in an uncreative way. You can clean the floor in a creative way. You can cook in a creative way. - Osho 
Some of the most beautiful works I know are from painters that went through years of understanding and awakening of what is the real beauty, it is never about pain, never about suffering but rather a way for others to align themselves to understanding the wonder that is called life.
Life is meant to be celebrated.
"Whatsoever you do, if you do it joyfully, if you do it lovingly, if your act of doing it is not purely economical, then it is creative. If you have something growing out of it within you, if it gives you growth, it is spiritual, it is creative, it is divine.- Osho 
Creativity-- is about reflecting the Divine and when we speak of the Divine--we must speak of joy.
If you are filled with life, if you are connected with the Source-- then everything you do is beautiful--anything, any process will be connected. 
To create does not simply mean holding a pen, holding a paint brush or strumming a guitar-- to create means to be able to come through the illusion of the mind--it will entail breaking the barriers--the illusion of the self.
To bring about what we have always been longing for-- to go back--to go back to our real home-- the Divine. 
After several years of being inside artist groups-- an awakening has occurred to me...
Something is missing. I thought being a part of something new, something that contradicts society will bring me joy- however; it has only made me even more detached.
Artist groups contain even more turmoil- you get to meet minds that will astound you - but will spiral you into a deeper abyss if you have not understood who you are.
For years, I was in search of the real me--

The loneliness and detachment I was experiencing was not because of the government, it was not because of external forces like work, it was not because of my family or friends--bur rather it was the disconnect that humans have from the one who has Created us—
The quest is finding- what is already inside of us and removing the barrier that the mind has created.
I have been writing about all of these artists-- all of these creations of people- from different walks of life-- but I have not in any way written about the most important artist that there is--
 Dedicated my life writing about fleeting ideas, formless ideas, people that come and go and artists who have even taken the time to awaken their consciousness—
You see when you start inside the art world- you come to believe that you have depth, that nothing can be added to you- that you understand everything, that you can dictate what life is about.
But we are all just longing for the greatest Creator there is--the one who created us, the One who manifested us into Being, the One who brings the only Joy there can ever be--
How come I have forgotten-- How come I was able to write hundreds of words for artists without even for one single thought explaining that all of this creativity is possible because of the Source?
To claim that you are indeed an artist, a creator is a big responsibility-- to claim it without guidance is to create the biggest mistake.
After several years of feeling lost,  going up and down and not having any true or real idea of what my purpose is...I have come to realize that what the artists I was writing about, the creations I was writing about are mere projections and illusions of what my  mind wanted it to be--
Life is already an everyday beauty, life is every day surreal-- for God has bestowed grace, and Divinity even in the little things.
While we need to appreciate the everyday painting, music-- and movies that we hear and see-- we need to always go back to the Source from where it came from, from the point where all ideas are interconnected and One. 

Felt a sudden longing... a longing to come back to the real creator of all--the Divine. the guiding power, the Universal Force the Light.

After many years of feeling weary and after years of fighting with my ego--with myself and with artists whom I have encountered along the way—I have come to realize that none is greater and all the work must be given under the guidance of the Source.

It is only through the Divine; the Lord God of the Universe that anything is possible in this life and it is only the Divine that there is happiness.
"So if you are looking for fame and then you think you are creative – if you become famous like Picasso, then you are creative - then you will miss. Then you are, in fact, not creative at all: you are a politician, ambitious. If fame happens, good. If it doesn't happen, good. It should not be the consideration. The consideration should be that you are enjoying whatsoever you are doing. It is your love-affair.- Osho
I am not talking about the Divine that is being preached to you on a big church, by a pastor or a priest or the Divine being injected to you by any book--but the Divine that is within Us all along—

I speak about the Divine that connects us and binds us and the Divine that is not controlled and contained or manipulated by any book or by any sect, or by any group--
This Divine power is felt in the energy of the sun, the warmth of the fur of the animals...
The Divine that is felt whenever you drink water, when you see the clouds in the sky, when you feel the rain and the wind softly touching your cheeks...when you stare at the eyes of a loved one…When you a stranger help you out of nowhere.

The Divine presence is in the painting and the poem that made you want to give unconditional love is in the crevice of the mind, the portals of the soul that is deeply embedded in everyone. It cannot be controlled, nor contained because the presence is directly in every fiber of your being--the Divine is within us... it is within Us and in it is nothing but Bliss and understanding. The merging of the Dark and the Light--and in knowing that there is No utter Darkness--since everything is a process and a part of Existence. 

Most of us in our 20's would like to feel connected, we would like to feel something-- that will deeply connect us with others, and we are all in search of the truth.  I tell you know that in my many years of searching there is only one truth—and this truth will continue to express itself to you until you notice and until you choose to awaken from your sleep.
Today and in the many years to come I shall dedicate my write ups to the Divine Guidance- the only One who can remove the pain, the suffering, the agony, the only one who can transmute any darkness, any evil, any struggle into full expressions of love, dignity and years of true sense of calm, serenity and peace—that which we call God—the Greatest Artist of All time.

Each man comes into this world with a specific destiny: he has something to fulfill, some message has to be delivered, some work has to be completed.
You are not here accidentally, you are here meaningfully. There is a purpose behind you. The whole intends to do something through you."- Osho

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