Bloggers have received a bad impression over the years especially in the Philippines, due to the fact that most have focused on providing write ups that are just targeted on getting freebies- free hotel bookings, free lotion, free food, free travels and while that is a good thing for some people-- this has created a bad reflection on potential niche writers who want to provide more substance about life experiences and has not really developed a way for writers to sustain their craft. Blogging is a form of writing that should be treated with respect, if there is something you have written out of the context of what you have observed- if you have written about an experience that has inspired you and changed you- should it be minimized and should it just be considered a mere fancy blog? The age of Social media opened the good and the bad, when it comes to influencing others. A new group of social media influencers merely focus on where to go, what places to see, what good