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Why I am no longer an Atheist and the importance of Meditation in life

I have called myself an Atheist for a very long time,  being a Philosophy student graduate I encountered so many ideas and theories from great Philosophers.

When you are young, you have this need to feel important, every research and every book you read is able to transform you and most of these books you consider as truths.

However, the best teacher is still life experience,everything that you need to know is already inside of you--you just need to remember it. 

For a long time I have believed that religion is divisive, I still do as of the moment that is why I don't join any religious sect.

But being religious is different from being Spiritual--and my spiritual life has suffered for a very long time, because my Ego believed that I am the one creating everything.

For a very long time, I made life decisions that were not guided, most of the things that I have wished and done in life--was not in any way connected with my life purpose.

I was just traveling, meeting new people- creating events, and while this gave me the popularity in my social circle-- it did not give me the peace that can only be found in connecting with a higher power.

I have a met a lot of people who have already traveled more than 30 cities in the world but they still feel lost.

I also know a lot of famous people in our community who still feel that their life works are nothing. Some of the most successful Hollywood actors still take their own life-- there is no amount of success that would  make you feel immune to the lost feeling if you have not connected with a higher power.

Fame is nothing without spirituality. Beauty is nothing without understanding life. Wealth is nothing without a direct purpose to transform.
Romantic relationships means nothing without real connection with the soul, and even sexual energy cannot transform you in any way if you do not know how to love-- an unconditional love.

A lot of people  have stopped praying at some point in their life, one of them was me. I often believed that everything that I am doing was just to get by.

Most of the projects I did was just misguided-- I had messianic complex, I thought I had to protest a lot of things and issues and I thought I was changing the world through that--but the truth is that I was only reflecting my anger in the world.

It was only my ego who believed that I was truly transforming lives. In fact, my hatred did nothing good, my protests only created ripple effects of anger.

I was not in any way changing my community-- my Facebook followers increased, as well as my influence with a lot of people but I was lost-- really lost as to what my purpose in life is.

Writing is one of the talents I was given, but a lot of  times I have deviated and forgotten about it because I was indecisive and impulsive at the same time.

Ever since I was just a kid, I know that writing would be an instrument to express the soul-- but I was not maximizing it because I was simply drawn to other things. I had the wrong priorities--

I was succeeding according to the standards of the world and social media..but deep inside I was still an utter failure, lost just like everyone who stopped praying.

This feeling of being lost is overpowering me. I have noticed that despite achieving a lot of things I was missing something-- there was a lack of direction, a lack of purpose--a longing for a deeper love. 
It took me awhile to realize, that the Law of Attraction and the law of Positive thinking is needed in a person's life not for material gains, but to realize the light.

This light that transforms is not found in any religious sector-- it is not in the money people offer in church, not the titles a person has accumulated doing charitable works-- but the personal relationship we have with another power.

I remember sitting in the balcony in Mandaluyong asking for forgiveness. I knew then that I was lost, and my life had been filled with lack and fear and that the only way I could release all of this negativity is by surrendering myself to the will of God.

I started meditating for 2 straight weeks and asked for the guidance of the angels like Angel Raphael and Angel Michael.

I started asking for a higher guidance from the one who Created this Universe-- I started asking for guidance on what I  need to do, who I need to be.

You see, this surrender is not in any way connected with accepting any religious sect. You can have a personal relationship with the Creator--without the need to get influenced by someone else.

You can connect directly with the Divine. 

To believe in this higher power means to have no fear-- at times we have been taught of a God that is angry, but this higher power that I am talking about is-- filled with love.

God is just pure love--- when we meditate we remove fear. When we meditate, we trust that every little thing we have asked is on its way already.

At times, I get messaged by a lot of people who tend to worry about daily finances, work, relationship issues, career issues and more than that...

But I often tell them to take 10-20 minutes a day to sit quietly and just ask for the guidance of the Universe---

What I do is take 2-3 times of meditation a day to set intentions.

I speak about how grateful I am, the things and occurences and people I am most grateful for and I imagine the life that I want and ask for guidance whenever I meditate.

 I ask for clues on what to do next and I already imagine great scenarios that are just about to happen yet.

I believe that we each have the capacity to co-create and be heard by this higher force but we need to connect and meditate first and learn to trust our gut instinct if what we are hearing is right and useful.

If you are on the edge of your life right now--- you feel lost.
Sit in a quiet corner, and ask for guidance from the one who made you who you are-- say thank you-- and reconnect.

It matters.

To be alive in this beautiful, self-organizing universe – to participate in the dance of life with senses to perceive it, lungs that breathe it, organs that draw nourishment from it – is a wonder beyond words.
—  Joanna Macy

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